Friday, February 1, 2008

More on Coulter's MDS

I blogged earlier on Ann Coulter's unhinged anti-McCain tirade last night on Hannity and Colmes.

It turns out Captain Ed's also not amused with Coulter's latest outburst: "
Has Ann Coulter Finally Jumped The Shark?":

So let's walk through the logic here. John McCain gets castigated by Coulter because he aligns himself too often with the Democrats. Her solution to that is --- to campaign for the Democrats? Maybe someone can explain the thought process to me, but it sounds like a hysterical demand for extortion rather than a considered and thoughtful political position.

I'm supporting Mitt Romney because I think he is the better option. If Mitt doesn't win the nomination, I plan to support John McCain. He will have won the support of more of the party, and that would make him the man to carry the banner. I will still oppose some of his policy stands and acknowledge his apparent animus at times to the party base, but he will still be a much better choice for the nation than Hillary Clinton.

It appears Coulter hates McCain more than she cares about conservative values. She has acquired McCain Derangement Syndrome, and is rather obviously unbalanced by it. Sean Hannity was clearly embarrassed to listen to this tirade, and Coulter should have been embarrassed to have indulged in it.
I don't always agree with Captain Ed, as readers know, but he makes a fine case for political pragmatism here.

See more on McCain Derangement Syndrome, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

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