Wednesday, March 12, 2008

American Nihilism: The Escalating War on Military Recruiters

I deeply disagree with Michelle Malkin on immigration reform, and I've obviously not been pleased with her attacks on Senator John McCain.

But no one in the media or the right blogosphere is doing more to publicize the nihilist left's unending campaign of destruction against U.S. military recruitment programs, attacks which demonstrate the pure hatred of America and its martial institutions among many (if not most) in the antiwar cadres.

Malkin has published
a new report on the dangerously escalating war on America's armed services at home. The report should be a read widely as a wake-up call in the aftermath of last week's Times Square bombing, :

Ideas have consequences. Inaction has consequences. For the past several years, I've chronicled the left's escalating war on military recruiters -- and the apathetic, weak-kneed response to it. The anti-recruiter thugs on college campuses and in liberal enclaves have thrived thanks to a combination of public indifference, law enforcement fecklessness and left-wing ideological apologism.

It has now been a week since the Times Square military recruitment center bombing. The investigation continues -- and so does the left's denial of the ongoing campaign against military recruiters. At a national conference of anarchists in Washington, D.C., last weekend, a "solidarity sticker" glorifying the biker bomber made the rounds. On the Internet, "peace" activists threatened the Gathering of Eagles, a national military support group that organized a rally at Times Square last weekend. From Pittsburgh to Berkeley, anti-war extremists have smeared recruiters as "death pimps" and "child predators." The militant Code Pink group continues to organize in-your-face protests to drive recruiters from major metropolitan areas.

The Times Square bombing was not an isolated incident, but an all-too-predictable symptom of reckless tolerance for dangerous "peace" peddlers skating on the edge of sedition. Lone nuts? Here is a brief history of the anti-military recruitment movement's mounting acts of vandalism and violence.
Malkin lists over two dozen incidents of intimidation and violence against recruiter in the last few years, for example:

January 20, 2005: At Seattle Central Community College, Army recruiter Sgt. Jeff Due and his colleague Sgt. 1st Class Douglas Washington were hounded by an angry mob of 500 anti-war students. The recruiters' table was destroyed; their handouts, torn apart. Protesters threw water bottles and newspapers at the soldiers. The far-left Students Against War had been agitating to kick the recruiters off campus. The college administration refused to punish the radicals.
The most recent incidents include Code Pink's violent campaign against recruiters in Berkeley, and the Times Square recruiting center bombing.

I wrote on the Times Square case,
here, here, and here.

Malkin sees no end in sight to the antiwar mayhem:

When will this escalating war end? There will be no end in sight until lawmakers, law enforcement, the media and the public open their eyes to the hate, connect the dots, and stop coddling the increasingly crazed and emboldened anti-military militants before more bombs go off -- and innocents get harmed -- in the name of "peace."
Her concern is not unwarranted.

As Gayle at
Dragon Lady's Den reports, in the wake of the New York bombing, there are new threats against the pro-victory support organization, Gathering of Eagles, which is planning a series of demonstrations this weekend.

Clearly deranged, the activist making the threats has now called on all "imams" to issue a fatwah ordering
the assassination of Michelle Malkin.

Just a crazy extemist, right? An isolated case, which is nothing compared to Republican fear-mongering, some might argue.

I don't
think so.

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