Friday, March 14, 2008

Buyer's Remorse: Will the Left Throw Obama From the Train?

I just saw something strange. A reader at Talking Points Memo, one of the biggest Obama boosters on the web, is having deep second thoughts about Barack Obama:

The Wright time bomb appears to be detonating, now that the horse race narrative has stalled and the media needs new material. The inadequacy of Obama's response is deeply discouraging. I was very excited about Obama, but I suddenly think Wright is going to deal a death blow to him on the "electibility" front. Michelle Obama's comments and now the man who lead him to Jesus is saying "God Damn America", and all BO can say is "I disagree"? He has to thow him under the bus and then back up over him again, but it does not appear that he will. Not clear it would even help that much, given the depth and length of their relationship. Sad to say, but it's best this happen now rather than in October. As distasteful as her tactics have been, I suddenly think we may be better off in November with Hillary. Wright is cancer.
Now, will the left throw Obama from the train? Are these reservations about Obama himself, or about his electability following the Wright controversy? One TPM readers sees Wright's "God Damn America" hatred as perfect attack fodder for John McCain in the fall.

Jane Hamsher's got no doubts about all of this, not unsurprisingly: It's all "anti-Obama right wing propaganda."

I'd bet that Hamsher endorses Wright's sentiment.

Far from denouncing his views, statements like Wright's, "America is still the No. 1 killer in the world," are not far from the views featured regularly in FireDogLake posts.

As always, I'll have more updates of the left's anti-Americanism as things develop.

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