Monday, March 10, 2008

Celebrating Murder in Gaza: Crossing the Rubicon of Violence

The Gaza Strip erupted in celebration at the news of eight Jewish students murdered in Jerusalem, via YouTube:

Here's Caroline Glick on the extremism:
Between Iran, Egypt, Syria, Hamas, Hizbullah, Fatah and the Israeli Arab leadership, the incitement level this week was so high, that the violence level crossed a Rubicon. It was only a question of when and where the bullets and bombs would start exploding not whether or not they would.

So the Palestinian Arabs and their friends have decided to murder Jews studying Torah in Jerusalem. They decided to go to the heart of the religious Zionist movement and open fire knowing the sort of passions such an attack will provoke. Apparently the terrorist was a Jerusalemite. One television channel reported that he lived in Jabel Mukhaber – a neighborhood abutting Armon HaNatziv. Not surprising.

The third stage of the Palestinian jihad against Israel has been germinating for months and now it is taking off. And the role that Israeli Arabs will play in this round will likely be an expanded one.
Here's Power Line:

You may have heard that when news reached Gaza that eight teenagers had been murdered in the library of a Jewish religious school in Jerusalem, thousands of Arabs in Gaza took to the streets to celebrate. Tom Gross links to the footage -- broadcast on Israeli television news, taken from Palestinian television news -- of Gazans handing out sweets and candies to passing motorists honking their horns in joy. Gross wonders why the footage is not broadcast in the West: "Might it spoil the sympathy for Palestinians that the BBC, CNN, and others are trying to ram down viewers’ throats all the time?" I think we all know the answer to that question.
Note something else: There's evidence that Hezbollah in Lebanon coordinated with Hamas on the Jerusalem murders. Hezbollah, of course, is Iran's major proxy in Southern Lebanon. Can people really deny any longer that the entire Persian Gulf region is intent on the elimination of the Jewish state an its people?

The terrorist threat to Israel and the West can be eliminated, but it will take
total war thinking. People will continue to die until the West considers such strategy?

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