Friday, March 7, 2008

Huffington Post Closes Comments in Wake of Terrorist Attacks

Nice Deb reports that the Huffington Post has shut down comments to its posts on the Jerusalem murders and the Times Square bombing (seen here on YouTube):

Here's Nice Deb:

What does it say about your blog, and its readership, when you have to close down comments because of their embarrassing, mortifying, and anti-semitic content every time there is a terrorist attack? Or a Republican gets hurt, sick, or dies, or any number of other things? It seems that comments are being closed on a fairly regular basis, over there.

How unfortunate to be afraid of your own commenters.
Indeed, it must be an utter disaster to realize that the high-brow anti-Americanism peddled at HuffPo and other radical blogs has its must fundamental appeal for the most implacable domestic enemies of the United States

(Note: I need to second Deb's point on the nature of these comments, which are indeed the most vile racist and anti-semitic screeds imaginable, truly extremist in essence).

Recall in
my post yesterday I noted that Daily Kos sloughed off the attack as another salvo in an alleged Rovian smear campaign against the Democratic Party's "good works."

Has anyone seen a major left-wing bloggers' statement of renunciation on the attacks in Jerusalem (where
Hamas applauded the murders of 8 Israeli youths) and New York?

I don't see one at FireDogLake. Indeed, Newshoggers is attacking conservative bloggers for even making the connection between radical left-wing ideology and the recent political violence against the institutions and symbols of American military power.

Huffington Post turned off comments to two entries, "
7 Die in Shooting at Jerusalem Seminary," and "Police Release Footage of NYC Blast."

If actions are louder than words, that says a lot.

See also my earlier posts, "
Blast Damages Times Square Military Recruiting Station," and "Times Square Recruiting Bombing: An Update."

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