Friday, March 7, 2008

Riots in Denver? Radicals May Seek "Direct Action" Against Democrats

Will the Democratic Party see rioting at their summer nominating convention in Denver?

an earlier post I predicted "Seattle-style" youth mobilization (riots) in the event that Barack Obama is denied the nomination. Heidi from Big Girls Pants had some doubts about such developments, so maybe my musings were over the top. Here's my prediction:

I'm of the opinion that a leveraged nomination for Clinton - with the crowbar of superdelegates squeezing her in - will likely result in street riots, and not just a few scuffles between some antiwar protesters and police outside the Denver convention hall. I'm talking 1999 Seattle-style total mobilization protests - in cities around the nation - among a coalition of outraged groups hoping to take down the Democratic Party establishment once and for all.
Is that a bit unhinged? Maybe not?

Check this post from Allahpundit at Hot Air, "
Far Left Ready to Blow the Lid Off the Democratic Convention, Maybe Literally."

Allah cites Rick Pearlstein's entry at Huffington Post, "
Some Apocalyptic Observations on the Democratic Nomination Fight from Here on Out," for example:

Rick, if the Machine tries to give the Clintons the victory at the convention, I swear to God, Chicago’s going to look like a Sadie Hawkins dance. People my age are going to be throwing stones. We all have transportation — cell phones — disposable income — the Internet — free time — and Seattle as our example. Part of me is scared of a riot. Part of me isn’t. The nomination belongs to Obama. Do you think we’re going to let the Democratic Leadership Council take it? “God gave Noah the rainbow sign. No more water, fire next time.”
Now, call me crazy, but I'm not putting significant unconventional mobilization past people like this.

Maybe it's just a bunch of hippie wannabes mouthing-off anonymously in the comments section of a lefty blog.

But as we're seeing more extremely violent acts of domestic terrorism - with this week's
Seattle ecoterrorism case and the Times Square bombing - maybe things could indeed move beyond seemingly idle online chatter to a few copy-cat attacks, and then perhaps a more serious hard-left conspiracy of violence?

See also the Weekly Standard, which provides information on the left's "Recreate '68" movement, activities that include plans for "direct action" (i.e., revolutionary violence).

Don't forget my earlier post, "
Antiwar Left Seeks to Recreate Protests of 1968."

I'll be posting on these developments moving forward.

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