Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Stay or Go? Results Today Dictate Clinton's Future

A new ABC News poll shows Democrats backing Hillary Clinton's continuance in the race if she takes either Texas or Ohio today, but if not, well, adios amigo:

Democrats by more than a 2-1 margin say Hillary Clinton should stay in the presidential race even if she loses either the Texas or Ohio primary on Tuesday. But if she fails in both, fewer than half say they'd want her to fight on.

Many, in that case, have another idea for Clinton: the vice presidency.

The lead overall is now Barack Obama's. With his string of 11 consecutive primary and caucus victories, Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents by a 50-43 percent margin would like to see him nominated. That's a remarkable reversal: Clinton held a vast lead in ABC News/Washington Post polls before the Iowa caucuses. Campaigns clearly matter.

Despite the overall preference for Obama, Democrats by a very wide 67-29 percent say Clinton should stay in the race even if she loses either Texas or Ohio. But if she were to lose both, far fewer say they'd want her to continue – 45 percent, with 51 percent saying otherwise.

Prospective attitudes, of course, can shift with events -- as vote preferences themselves have
shown. At the same time, some within the Clinton campaign, as well as other Democrats, have described Ohio and Texas as must-wins.

Hillary for vice-president? I don't know if she'll like that. She'd be 70 at the end of a second Obama administration, and if she looks old and haggard sometimes now, just wait until 2016!

Besides, Obama's smart enough
not to want a co-vice-presidency (you get two-for-the-price of one with the Clintons).

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