Sunday, April 13, 2008

Amy Poehler Hammers Hillary Clinton's Antiwar Credentials

Via the Gothamist, Amy Poehler hammered Hillary Clinton's Iraq positions in a hilarious skit on last night's "Saturday Night Live":

Clinton's heard in the skit, "Everyone knows I have been against this war my entire life."

But check out the Gothamist's take on Poehler's Clinton take down:

Just a month ago, people wondered if Saturday Night Live was playing favorites with the Democratic presidential candidates, with seemingly more pro-Hillary Clinton material, not to mention the terrific Amy Poehler playing the Senator from New York to the hilt. However, last week, the show poked fun at the Clinton's tax returns and, last night, well, see how Clinton is spoofed in a hearing with General Petraeus (video above).
Watch the whole thing - the skit spreads the lampooning all around (even to Code Pink).

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