Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Arianna Huffington Okay'd Obama "Cling" Story While Yachting in Tahiti!

This post updates yesterday's entry on Mayhill Fowler, the blogger who broke open Barack Obama's "cling" comment controversy, "HuffPo Blogger Under Fire for Obama Bittergate Uproar."

Los Angeles Times reports that HuffPo's Arianna Huffington made the editorial decision to publish Fowler's blog report on Obama's comments while yachting in French Polynesia:

Obama campaign officials have not publicly criticized the story or complained about Fowler, who had given nearly the $2,300 maximum to his campaign for the Democratic nomination. They declined to comment Monday.

The story was reviewed up the website's editorial ladder all the way to founder Arianna Huffington. Vacationing on a yacht in Tahiti, Huffington gave her assent.
Think about the convoluted juiciness of this:

Barack Obama's in hot water for airing condescending comments arguing the bitterness of religiously opiated Midwestern Americans.

Obama, a Harvard Law School graduate, has been relentlessy and rightly ridiculed as politically inexeperienced - ignorant of the lives of alleged bible-thumping rust-belt gun-owners - while the story that scooped the scandal erupted from a "
progressive" online blogging platform published by a Greek-born, Cambridge-educated internationally bestselling author and ex-wife of an openly-bisexual millionaire oil magnate and unsuccessful U.S. Senate candidate.

limosine liberalism for the Internet age, Yahoo yachtsmanship for the South Pacific socialist set!

No wonder
some in Pennsylvania are up in arms.

Indeed, "the
good people of Pennsylvania deserve a lot better than what Barack Obama said!"

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