Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hillary Clinton Goes to Town With the Working Classes!

I've probably said it before, but if we have to have a Democrat in the Oval Office next January, I'd prefer Hillary Clinton.

Oh sure, I've been disgusted with her waffling and pandering, but there's always been some element of realism in Clinton's mien that frankly seems a little reasurring amid all the manifestations of a radical foreign policy coming to America after the election.

Now don't get me wrong.

I'm not giving up my criticism of Clinton, but at least I can say that she's got a few redeeming qualities here and there, not the least of which is that she knows how to tie one on with the locals - and with impeccable timing no less, considering Barack Obama's up to his neck in controversy over his "bitter" remarks about Pennsylvania's working class demographic.

Here's the reassurance on Clinton, via
Ben Smith:

Hillary Shot

Smith links to MSNBC, "Hillary Pounds One Down...":

We've seen candidates have a beer, but Clinton had a shot of Crown Royal -- with an Old Style beer chaser -- at the Bronko Restaurant and Lounge in Crown Point, IN yesterday. The senator took a small sip from the shot glass, then tossed the rest of the shot back.
Well, if she's got to get some sympathy heading into Pennsylvania, a quick chaser sure beats crying at a New Hampshire ladies breakfast!

See also, "Bottoms Up: Just Another Saturday Night For Clinton? Shot of Whiskey, Beer and Pizza."

Plus, the Politico, "What Clinton Wishes She Sould Say"; plus the additional analysis at Memeorandum.

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