Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Joe Klein Channels Glenn Greenwald!

The Kagans are the most reviled bunch of neocons on the current scene, perhaps next to Bill Kristol.

The latest evidence of this is Joe Klein's post dismissing
the Kagans as foolish:

On the day that John Yoo's remarkable torture memo is released, this foolishness is a reminder that none of these people--none of the vicious, mendacious, naive, simplistic, unapologetic, neo-colonialist ideologues who promulgated this disaster--should have even the vaguest claim on the time or tolerance of fair-minded people. Fred Kagan's certainty is an obscenity, his claim to expertise a farce.
Klein essentially "channels" Glenn Greenwald:

Fred Kagan, along with his writing partner Bill Kristol, specializes in planning and advocating more wars, always from afar. His family has a tradition of doing the same. His dad, whose career he has copied, is Donald Kagan, whom The Washington Post described as "a beloved father figure of the ascendant neoconservative movement." Several years ago, Fred co-wrote a book with his dad arguing that America is too afraid to fight wars and "that it will be in the world's ultimate interest for the United States to remain militarily strong and unafraid of a fight." Neither has ever fought anything.

Donald's other son -- Fred's brother -- is Robert, who founded Project for a New American Century with Bill Kristol and is a fanatical, resolute supporter of the Iraq War (from the pages of The Washington Post).
Fred's wife, Kimberly Kagan, regularly types about how great the Iraq War is in The Weekly Standard and other places. None has any military service. They have no need for the troop relief provided by the Webb bill (which Fred opposes) because they are already all sitting at home....

The Fred Kagans and his dad and his brother and his wife and his best friend Bill Kristol sit back casually demanding more wars, demanding that our troops be denied any relief, demanding that the President call for other families to volunteer to fight in their wars...
If the Kagans all changed their names, started publishing under pseudonyms, and subsequently were successful in influencing national security policy under the next Republican administration, you'd see the same attacks on "fake-expertise" and the "faux-warrior" arguments that you see here.

(Mark my words on that if McCain's elected - new faces, same smears.)

The same last name just makes things easier for the surrender hawks to keep track of things.

(Maybe Kein's trying to get back in the good graces of Greenwald, who's become a rock star of the radical left. Greenwald's apparently attacked Klein for factual errors in his FISA reporting, and hey, nobody - and I mean nobody - better mess with Greenwald's creeping totalitarianism domestic surveillance meme!)

Note that Bill Roggio suggests things are going well for al Maliki, whose military strategy seeks to emulate of successul practices of the U.S. cointerinsurgency doctrines of the surge: "Iraqi Military Continues Operations in Basrah."

See more attacks at

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