Monday, April 7, 2008

McCain's Lethal Advantage!

The lefties have been hammering away at how "radically conservative" John McCain is. For example, Glenn Greenwald's positively freaked at the possibilty of a McCain administration:

The indisputable fact is that McCain, on foreign policy issues, holds views far to the Right and far outside of mainstream American public opinion. In Media World, the GOP presidential nominee is always a centrist, a new kind of Republican, a trans-partisan pragmatist, while the Democratic nominee is always just a dogmatic liberal....

But depicting McCain as a "centrist" is an attempt to mainstream decidedly extreme positions, and worse, it obscures and distorts one of the vital issues that ought to be decided in the election: namely, whether McCain's radical foreign policy views and war-based national security approach --
grounded in the defining Bush/Cheney doctrine -- is something America wants to continue.
Well, as I've pointed out time and again, the Bush doctrine's actually right in line with a long tradition of preemption, unilateralism, and hegemony in American foreign policy.

But I do have to
concede to Digby, who points out today - no, warns! - that McCain's got a killer sense of humor:

McCain has a lethal advantage here. We all think he's a crazy old coot who nobody could possibly take seriously, but underestimating his appeal to the press (or his sense of humor) is stupid. He can deliver a line.
Not only can McCain hammer the punch line, he loves doing it!

As I noted earlier, McCain's
a retail powerhouse who lives for the hustings. He'll out-campaign anyone, like his GOP rivals in January and February. Obama better be wearing his Skylon's if he's hoping to keep up with McCain in the fall.

So, the left's abiding fear is not only that McCain'll bomb Iran, but that he'll floor the crowd with "
Barbara Ann."

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