Saturday, April 12, 2008

Opponents Hammer Obama on “Bitter” Americans Statement

I still don't think Barack Obama's intemperate remarks about Philadelphia's working class population will derail his campaign.

Still, the episode's providing an important clarifications of what's wrong with the Obama phenomenon.

Victor Davis Hanson points to some of the key contradictions underlying the controversy, suggesting the increasing "McGovernization of Obama":

I still believe that by August, Obama, the half-term rookie Senator, will have become the second George McGovern....

So here we have the essential Obama, a walking paradox between the postmodern hip-Ivy-Leaguer who sneers at middle-class America’s supposed prejudices and parochialism, while at the same time courting an anti-Enlightenment, prejudicial demagogue like Jeremiah Wright. For free trade or anti-free trade? For 2nd-amendment rights or not? Post-religious or pious and fundamentalist? For public campaign financing or not? A uniter of various groups or someone who sees America in terms of “they”? Straight-talking or someone who evokes "context" to explain away the inexplicable?

Again, we will see more and more of these condescending statements of the Michelle Obama strain, more and more of Revs. Wright, Meeks, Lee and others peddlers of division like them, and more and more clues to a long hostility to Israel—in what will eventually become the most disastrous chapter in recent Democratic history.

And pundits keep wondering why Hillary won't give up?
See also, Allahpundit, "Obama Tries Again: You Know, I Probably Could Have Said it Better."

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