Friday, April 11, 2008

Thoughts on Barack Obama's Radicalism

Gateway Pundit has a YouTube mashup of Barack Obama's conflicting statements on race and whiteness.

I'm not always so thrilled by these video clips, so check it out yourself.

But Gateway's commenter, "The Elector of Saxony," summarizes some of my recent concerns on Obama's suspicious connections to radical organizations:

The more I learn about Obama, the more there is to dislike. When you read the description of Barack's home life, it is hard to square his background with someone who views America as a racist, oppressive society....

You would think that such a man would view America as Ronald Reagan did, or at least as JFK did. After all of the riches, power, and accolades bestowed upon him, he and his family still see America through the eyes of Kruschev, Castro, and Ahmedinijad.

Isn't that the most alarming thing about the man? He a walking, breathing exemplar of what is great about America, and yet he believes ( or pretends to) that it is a cruel, unfair, and racist nation and fosters this notion in the minds of others.

Check out the whole post at Gateway.

See also, Just One Minute, "Obama's Appeal (The Secret Thereof)."

Plus, don't forget my post from yesterday, "Palestinians See Obama as Close Ally."

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