Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Clinton Leads in Lake County Nail-Biter!

It's still too close to call in Indiana, where Hillary Clinton's holding a 51% to 49% lead over Barack Obama with 95% reported, as of 9:40pm PST.

CNN reports:
The Democratic contest in Indiana was too close to call Tuesday as late returns erased what had been a commanding lead for Sen. Hillary Clinton.

As polls closed in Indiana, Clinton had a double-digit lead over Sen. Barack Obama, but by the end of the evening, Clinton's lead had shrunk to 2 percent.

The focus of the contest shifted to Lake County, home to 8 percent of Indiana's population.
At midnight ET, only 28 percent of Lake County's vote had been reported.
There are 72 delegates at stake in Indiana.

Obama earlier claimed victory in North Carolina.

In his address to supporters, he congratulated Clinton on what he called her apparent victory in Indiana.

Clinton told her supporters in Indianapolis "it's full-speed on to the White House."

The senator from New York stopped short of declaring victory, and instead turned her attention to the upcoming contests in West Virginia, Kentucky and Oregon.
So, things will go on no matter the results, it seems.

Yet, on the one hand, the closeness of the Indiana race damages Clinton's case for a compelling argument to continue on, while on the other hand, the case could be made that she's held her ground in Obama's backyard - Obama still couldn't clinch the deal!

As we've seen so far, of course, Hillary's been able to turn defeats in to successes, so it's too early to speculate beyond the fact that we'll see continued primary contests!

I'll have more when the rest of Lake County's reported.

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