Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Gary, Indiana, Could Decide Final Democratic Tally

I just finished watching Hillary Clinton's rallying speech from Indiana. She seemed very pleased with the showing, although CNN's currently holding the race too close to call (52% to 48% with 87% reporting) at 8:20pm PST.

The Washington Post suggests that Lake County, and especially Gary, Indiana, could tilt the election to Barack Obama:

As the fate of a nailbiter Indiana primary -- and possibly the course of the Democratic race -- hung on his city, Gary Mayor Rudy Clay said just now that it might take a while yet to finish counting the vote in Lake County, which includes Gary, and said that his city had turned out so overwhelmingly for Barack Obama that it might just be enough to close the gap with Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"Let me tell you, when all the votes are counted, when Gary comes in, I think you're looking at something for the [world] to see," Clay, an Obama supporter, said in a telephone interview from Obama's Gary headquarters. "I don't know what the numbers are yet, but Gary has absolutely produced in large numbers for Obama here."
I'll update a little later when more information comes in, although I'm intrigued by Hillary's throwing down the challenge on counting "all" the votes, "north, east, west, and south," including Michigan and Florida.

This is the nuclear option, and it's looking evident that the Clinton campaign's fully prepared to deploy their big weapon.

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