Thursday, May 8, 2008

Neo-Confederate Hate Comments: An Update

In response to my recent post on the paleoconservative anti-Semitic hate comments I've received recently, Red Phillips took issue with me at his neo-confederate blog, "Messing With the Neocons."
I suspect Phillips' post is sending more hate-filled commenters my way, as evidenced by these two recents drive-by attacks, which were signed "Anti-Niewert-Douglas Alliance":

I welcome a president that will fail to get the job done. A president no one will listen to. A president whose first order will be for handouts for the "desperate" highway window washers calling us "damn MFing crackers" for telling it to get the hell away from the car, how "white privileged" of us.

Donald Douglas on the other hand is in fear that his own pet welfare, the pointless war, made more pointless with uncontrolled immigration from the "axis of evil" pouring in by the millions each year to the west that paradoxically the neocons approve, will end.

Donald doesn't understand democracy; he views the position of the presidency as that of a warrior-king; one who dictates and his word is done.

He should be sent packing into darkest africa; where the neocon ideology is more appropriately IQ matched.

"Can Obama win over working class whites?"

"I don't think he's going to have an easy time of it."

You (Donald Douglas) are so far removed from working class whites, a billion miles more from where Obama is. You are decadent rot, filth, a preppy vest wearing teabagger, who doesn't call Abu Ghraib torture because you've been there, and it was fun. You are all that is wrong with America. You are more Liberal than Liberal.
These comments were left in two of my entries, "Obama's Claim to Transracial Postpartisanship is Dead," and "Clinton Pledges to Fight On."

As always, the attacks were left pseudonymously and without an e-mail address - complete cowardice, but representative of much paleoconservative extremism.

I've now deleted them at my Haloscan dashboard. I post them here to clarify and document the nature of these fanatics.

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