Sunday, May 4, 2008

President Bush: A Global Struggle Against Thugs and Killers

I'm with Dr. Sanity in my respect for President Bush:

Watch the video ... and you will see why I remain a fan of George W. Bush and will continue to like him and stand behind him as President despite flaws and missteps...

Dr. Sanity continues:

The last time I felt this way about a US President was Ronald Reagan, who also managed to evoke a visceral hatred from many of my peers and colleagues for the same sort of moral clarity. History has since vindicated Mr. Reagan, and I believe it will do the same with Mr. Bush, who--whatever his failings--has, IMHO, got the one thing that is most important in our generation absolutely correct. And he has unflinchingly faced its reality with a clarity that is stunning for any politician, despite the unpopularity it has brought him, and despite all the anger, rage and hate that has been directed at him for it.
I switched to the Republican Party because of George W. Bush.

I admire the president mostly on national security issues, but the administration's ideas behind the No Child Behind Act - that all children can learn and be held accountable - constitute one of the most important directions in civil rights policy since the 1960s.

On Iraq and the GWOT, I'll always be grateful for Bush's leadership.

Has he been right all the time? Of course not, but he's been right on the big issues, and if he didn't start out on the right foot, as in Iraq, he's kept at it.

The president's resolve is America's resolve. If the administration would have paid undue attention to public opinion polls in 2004 we would likely have turned tail rather than stand and fight.

Look again
here, as Bush says:

I know full well that we're facing a determined enemy. I know it's in our interests to defeat that enemy. So yeah, we're making progress. But it's also a tough battle! We're facing people who're willing to strap bombs on themselves and walk into a place where the innocents dwell, and where the innocent shop, and kill 'em ... we are in a global struggle against thugs and killers! And the United States of America's got to continue to take the lead; so in Afghanistan, yeah, we're making progress....

Is it tough? Yeah. Difficult? Absolutely. It is worth the fight? In my judgment yes it is...

I stand with the president. Our fight is long and hard, but it's in our interest, and it's an ideological struggle, indeed.

It's politically incorrect to say such things (look at how the president's being questioned on national security like a common dime-store thief), and this administration - like Reagan's before it - has been demonized endlessly for standing up for what's right in the world, and being willing to use force when most nations cringe at the thought.

I agree, too, with Dr. Sanity, in that the administration will be looked upon favorably by history.

For more information, see the White House
press release.

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