Friday, June 13, 2008

An Obama Presidency: National Suicide?

Four More Years?

Many bloggers around the web are genuinely concerned with the possible accession of Barack Obama to the presidency. I frankly think Obama will be a disaster for our country, and some have gone so far to argue that an Obama administration will be tantamount to national suicide:

Barack Obama is simply the most extreme left candidate in presidential history. He is also one of the least experienced and least qualified candidates in history....

Yes, he's a good orator – if you ignore the nonsensical, ludicrous, Marxist substance that only the most committed member could understand or believe. And that's on the few occasions when he's offered any substance at all. Most of the time he simply says nothing better than anyone else, throwing around his four favorite words – future, change, believe, hope – for mindless audiences drooling and panting over them like Pavlov's dogs at the sound of the dinner bell. As speeches go, they have about as much value as Twinkies do nutrition.

Here's a gem from last Tuesday night at the Xcel Energy Center:

“I am absolutely certain that, generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”

Just what the hell are you running for – president or messiah? And how full of yourself can even you be to think that the world consisted of nothing but unspeakable suffering until you came along and waved the magic wand of government to instantly fix it all, even the weather? Have you not an ounce of humility?

Sick people haven't been getting care? That'll only happen when socialized health care is forced upon us and government rations it away. Jobs to the jobless? By utterly annihilating the oil, coal and nuclear power industries and the entire U.S. economy that depends upon them? And the rise of the oceans – it's been far colder than normal the last six months running and if anything, global cooling should be our concern if sunspot activity is any guide. He might freeze us all to death in his stupid attempt to save us all from warming that isn't happening and wouldn't be a danger if it were.

Obama is a delusional, arrogant fool, presuming to lead a country that exists only in his mind and those of his cult-like followers. The problems he describes don't exist and ones far worse will be created in his insane attempts to fix what isn't broken. If this lunatic gets elected opposite a Democratic super-majority in Congress, America as we know it is finished. We will suffer the dire consequences, and it will make the stagflation, gasoline lines and malaise that was the Carter Administration look like the good 'ol times by comparison.

But this goes beyond garden variety far-left nuttiness. Obama is also dishonest and disloyal, and has repeatedly been so....

Barack Obama cannot be allowed to become president in January. If he does, Iran's Ahmadinejad won't have to nuke America into oblivion – we'll have already committed suicide.

See also my perspective, "June 3, 2008: Barack Obama Makes a Different Kind of History."

Image Credit: Investor's Business Daily

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