Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cases in Lieberman Derangement

The netroots has launched a public campaign to depose Senator Joseph Lieberman from his committee chairmanships and seniority ranking in Congress.

The group, "
Lieberman Must Go," has created a video of the Connecticut Senator's alleged apostasies, and the group's got a petition circulating:

We CANNOT tolerate a leader of the Senate Democratic Caucus who supports George Bush and McCain's War in Iraq. We CANNOT tolerate a Democratic chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee who endorses and stumps for McCain. We call on the Senate Democratic Steering Committee to strip Joe Lieberman of his chairmanship and his leadership role.
Here's the YouTube:

From the current comments at the petition page:

Lieberman belongs in jail along with the rest of the Bush Junta.
For partisans who claim to be more enlightened and tolerant, on the question of Joseph Lieberman these folks are anything but...

See also, "
Netroots Move (Again) Against Lieberman."

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