Sunday, July 6, 2008

Obama's Liabilities on Iraq

Barack Obama's shifted so quickly to the ideological center that his need to appear moderate is looking more like a distraction, even a liablility.

This is especially true on the issue of Iraq, where Obama's long record of being
the most prominent antiwar Democrat is being jettisoned by the candidate's pure expediency:

Here's this, from the National Post:

For months now, Senator Obama has been insisting he would have all U. S. troops home within 16 months of being sworn in as president. Even if this were a realistic timetable for bringing Iraq to the point where it can police itself -- which it isn't -- it is foolish to announce it to the world. If al-Qaeda in Iraq and other terror groups know for sure when U. S. troops will be gone, they will simply lay low and preserve their resources until then. Iran, which has been equipping terror groups and sectarian militias, can also bide its time.

Mr. Obama seemed to recognize the rashness of his earlier promise -- for about four hours on Thursday.

Speaking at a press conference in Fargo, N. D., the Illinois senator said he would "refine" his policy on Iraq after visiting there later this summer and speaking with commanders. But so immediate -- and outraged -- was the reaction in the Democratic blogosphere that Mr. Obama felt the need to go back before reporters later the same afternoon and insist his Iraq pledge had not changed. "I intend to end this war," he said. "I have seen no information that contradicts the notion that we can bring troops out safely at a pace of one to two brigades per month…I continue to believe that it is a strategic error for us to maintain a long-term occupation in Iraq at a time when conditions in Afghanistan are worsening."
See also, Hot Air, "Obama: Rest Assured, I’m Still Fully Committed to Abandoning Iraq," and "Obama: I’m Willing to “Refine My Policies” on Iraq."

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