Friday, July 4, 2008

Progressives and Patriotism

Peter Beinart offers a powerful (and balanced) analysis of America's ideological polarization over patriotism, "The War Over Patriotism."

Beinart looks carefully at the strengths and weakness of both left- and right-wing patriotism. One of his main arugment is that leftists praise America for what it stands for but not what it is, a stance that reveals a fundamental element of anti-Americanism:

Liberals may love America in part because it aspires to certain ideals, but if they love it only because it aspires to those ideals, then what they really love is the ideals, not America. Conservatives are right. To some degree, patriotism must mean loving your country for the same reason you love your family: simply because it is yours.


See also, "Obama Should Stress Patriotism, Poll Finds."

Image Credit:
The People's Cube

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