Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Would Iran Kill Americans?

Via the News Buckit, here's Matthew Yglesias on John McCain's joking statement about increasing cigarette exports to Iran:

If a major Iranian political leader were to repeatedly joke about bombing the United States and killing Americans, you can just imagine the s**t-storm about how Iran isn't a normal country with normal interests, that it's run by irrational fanatics, appeasement won't work, etc.
Actually, it turns out an Iranian leader has called for killilng Americans, and he's not joking:

See News Buckit's post for more.

Recall too that Yglesias just last week argued
essentially against American independence in 1776, and in a debate at Bloggingheads TV, James Kirchik hammers Yglesias' total hypyocrisy: "I have never taken you as someone who was an enthusiast for empire," snarks Kirchick.

Yglesias anti-patriotism is in the first two minutes, and
worth a look, especially the incredibly nervous body-language

Note further that
Yglesias offered a ham-handed retraction of his "no-independence-for-America" post, where he updates, arguing that it "was unfortunate that the course of events" led the Americans to push for freedom from the British yoke.

Talk about Heads in the Sand!

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