Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our Sacred Duty as Parents

A couple of months back, precinct walkers for the Yes on 8 campaign knocked on my door. I told them that I favored the measure and I gave them my card, indicating that my department often hosts speaker forums and that faculty members invite speakers for classroom visits.

I was contacted by a representative of the campaign, and a gentleman came to discuss the Yes on 8 position in my classes. It was an interesting day, with some strong reactions among students, from both sides of the issue, but I was pleased that the kids had a chance to discuss the proposition.

In any case, I thought I'd share that story to go along with this incredibly moving video above, via
Political Pistachio, featuring Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council and his interview the Parker family in Massachusetts, where same-sex marriage is legal. The Parker's kindergartner brought home a "diversity" booklet that featured treatments of homosexual marriages as normal. The Parkers were shaken not only by this loss of moral guidance over their kids, but also the state's reaction to their request for parental notification.

It turns out that the measure is now gaining support in public opinion, due to the increased television advertising on the Yes on 8 side (a yes vote would amend the state's constitution to authorize marriage solely between one man and one woman).

See also the Yes on 8 website, Protect Marriage.

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