Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Respecting Christmas

Via Wordsmith at Flopping Aces, here's an interesting cartoon-take on the war on Christmas:

Ecck!! How Offensive

It turns out that some leftists celebrate Christmas anyway, even though it's a "Holiday of Hate":

Back before Christianity was coopted by those who play to the stupid and ignorant and hateful; back before Fox News and the Aryan Nation, it was an inclusive holiday. As a non-Christian and an atheist and someone who knows all too much about Christian history, about early Christian, Greco-Persian, Roman and Norse practices that form the basis of Christmas: as someone who knows how the holiday (and yes, it's a goddamn holiday) owes more to Coca-Cola, Hallmark and Charles Dickens than to some Jewish baby born to a teenage mother in April of an indeterminate year about 2000 years ago, I've always celebrated it anyway. After all Christmas as we know it is an American holiday and one that used to bring about a spirit of tolerance, brotherhood and generosity to a unique degree. It was a holiday that brought out the liberal in most of us ....

Of course if their were any real Christians in this country they might propose at least to ignore this attempt to make it a holiday of hate ...

This commentary is in response to this article and this video, featuring Michelle Malkin on Fox and Friends.

And that's one angry comment for someone arguing that Christmas is about tolerance.

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