Sunday, August 30, 2009

Kennedy Juxtaposition: Arlington National Cemetery Commemorative Edition

From Grandpa John's, "Juxtaposition: Extra! Extra! Assembly targets drunken drivers! Read all about it!":

Also, yesterday Mike at Cold Fury wasn't in the mood to commemorate Teddy's burial at Arlington:

The thought of this noisome ruin befouling Arlington National Cemetery, slowly rotting next to real American heroes — blighting everything he touches, in death as in life — is absolutely nauseating. But no more nauseating than the spectacle of debased liberals tripping over themselves to make excuses for this dastardly murderer, for no better reason than that he was on their side politically. It’s beyond appalling; mere words are inadequate to express my revulsion and contempt for such deluded, simple fools.
Related (unfortunately): CNN, "Kennedy 'expected more of us' on health care, Dodd says" (via Memeorandum).

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