Sunday, April 18, 2010

New York Central Park Restroom Fail: Free-Market Alternative Flushes the Competition ... Plus, Bonus ObamaCare Comparison!

Amazing photos at NYT, surprisingly.

New York Central Park's public restrooms are practically out of a Mel Gibson "
Road Warrior" movie, while the free-market alternative, at 25-cents a sitting, could easily have been featured in Tom Cruise's "Minority Report."

Here's the main article: "
Sunday in the Park, Feeling Nature’s Call." And at the photo, the women's restroom near Central Park's historic Bethesda Fountain: "... one of the city's most beautiful landmarks. The bathroom inside, not so much":


This is the men's room, at the southwest corner of Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx: "Discreet, to be sure. But not a great place to be if you find yourself in need of assistance."


And here's the free-market facilities: "The 25-cent pay toilet in Madison Square Park opened just over two years ago, originally intended as the first of several to be installed around New York."


And look inside: "The surfaces are shiny and high-tech, and after each visit the entire interior gets a quick wash."


Now, in the broader scheme of things, the administration's ObamaCare legislation is represented by Central Park's public stinkholes. America's private healthcare system, providing the best medical care in the world, is represented by the shiny fee-for-use private restroom facilities. See also, Astute Bloggers, "NOW THEY TELL YOU: OBAMACARE WILL MAKE RATES SKYROCKET!"

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