Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ahmed Ghailani Verdict is Shame of Terror-Appeasing Left

Leftist John Cole is brief and to the point, "The System Worked." Give diabolical killers the same rights as U.S. citizens, and forget about achieving justice for those murdered by heinous acts of terrorism. Yeah, that oughta work. See LAT, "U.S. Civilian Court Acquits Ex-Guantanamo Detainee of All Major Terrorism charges," and at NYT, "Terror Verdict Tests Obama’s Strategy on Trials."


So while leftists are cheering how well the "system worked," more sober analysts have decried the verdict. For example, at Weekly Standard, "Ghailani Verdict a Miscarriage of Justice," at Pajamas Media, "Holder Strikes Out in First Gitmo Civilian Trial, " and at Commentary, "The Ghailani Debacle":

Once again, the Obama team has revealed itself to be entirely incompetent and has proved, maybe even to themselves, the obvious: the Bush administration had it right. And in fact, maybe we should do away with both civilian trials and military tribunals and just hold these killers until hostilities end. You know, like they do in wars.
Eminently true, but clueless leftists continue to push back, to say nothing of the White House: "Senior Administration Official Defends Ghailani Trial, Verdict."

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