Saturday, November 20, 2010

Air Security and Political Correctness

From C. Edmund Wright, at American Thinker, "Why Air Security is the Issue":

It is always shocking to me how many folks are OK with being treated like cattle. Any thinking person instinctively understands that these ridiculous security measures are not going to make us any safer, because any thinking person knows damned well that it is young Muslim males, not four ounces of grandma's shampoo, that destroy airplanes and people and buildings.

It would be bad enough if any of this loss of freedom were actually making us safer. It is not, and there are much easier and less expensive ways to do so. This leads to the inescapable conclusion that those in charge are either really foolish or doing this on purpose, or a combination of both. And interviews with travelers indicate that there is a fairly high "naïf factor" among us. You know, the "I don't like it, but if this is what it takes to keep us safer..." crowd. Puh-leeze.

I'm still not quite there yet, although I'm fascinated at how quickly airport screening has moved to the very front of the national political agenda. But see Dr. Sanity, in any case, "A COLLECTIVE POLITICAL PSYCHOSIS":
We continue to witness a strange mishmash of conflicting memes and confusing behaviors--not on the part of the terrorists, but on the part of Obama and friends. The terrorists are remarkably consistent and rather persistant in their desire to kill us.

The Democratics have adopted the Alfred E. Neuman "What, Me Worry?" approach to national security; and their denial about the threat of Islamic terrorism continues to evolve into complex rationalizations and nuanced idiocies that refuse to confront the true nature of the threat...
Video c/o
Melanie Morgan.

Flying on November 24? Then celebrate National Opt-Out Day!!!"

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