Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Communist Party USA Does GOTV for Obama Democrats!

PREVIOUSLY: "Cartoonist Ted Rall Calls for Communist Revolution: 'I Would Like to See a Completely Leftist Proletariat Dictatorship'."


The Marxist-Leninist revolutionary party is getting out the vote for the Obama-Dem-Socialists.

But for a second I thought my eyes were fooling me, 'cuz, you know, there's no "real commies" around any more. Just "imaginary" ones. Just ask Tintin, the blogging asshat at Sadly No!

"Because we do in fact hate commies, at least real commies, not the imaginary commies that community college Assistant Associate Professor Douglas sees lurking behind every potted plant."


If the grand alliance that elected Barack Obama comes out in full force to vote we can stop the Tea Party/Republican takeover, continue moving forward and push further for green jobs, union rights, health care and the safety net for the common good.

If voters fail to turnout, the Tea Party/Republican “Promise to America” alternative is clear: continued tax breaks for the top richest two percent which will increase the deficit, privatization of social security, repeal of health care and financial reform, no extension of unemployment compensation, outsourced jobs, increased racism and severe limits to democratic rights.
Momentum has been on the side of the Democrats in the last few days, but most races are too close to call. Hundreds of millions more dollars are being pumped into smear ads on TV, radio and internet in an attempt to defeat progressives and suppress voter turnout. The money is coming from shadow groups funded by unlimited corporate contributions.
When the choice before our country is made clear, voters can be convinced to go to the polls.
Everyone can make a difference. If you are not already connected, plug into one of the opportunities listed below, or find something in your own neighborhood to make your voice heard with door knocking, phone banking and helping line up others to volunteer as well.
Resources to help get out the vote:

Political Action Commission
Communist Party USA

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