Saturday, November 13, 2010

Husband John Puts Kibosh on Cindy McCain's NOH8 Campaign

While I support repeal of DADT, I've always thought Cindy McCain's NOH8 campaign was lame. Husband (and Senator) John McCain thinks so too: "Cindy McCain Tweets Support of John McCain's Standing on Don't Ask Don't Tell, Despite Recent Video."

Cindy's tweet is

And New York Mag asks, "
Did John and Cindy have some sort of 'talk?'" Plus, leftist dickwipe (ideological if not literal) John Aravosis puts it more bluntly, "Cindy McCain Is a Hater - Reverses Self On DADT 24 Hours After Doing Video Linking the Gay Ban to Gay Youth Suicide." (At Memeorandum.)

RELATED: On the gay suicide media myth: "The 'Suicide Crisis' in the Gay Teen Community."

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