Friday, November 12, 2010

Jews for Injustice Against Jews

From Melanie Phillips:
No sooner had the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper declared his principled stand in support of Israel and against anti-Jew bigotry – even at the expense of his country’s seat on the Security Council of the Club of Terror – than he was venomously attacked by... Jews. Specifically, those obnoxious Finklers, the ‘Independent Jewish Voices’ – part of that broader coalition of hatred which should surely be called Jews for Injustice Against Jews.

According to these individuals, rising Jew-hatred is but a figment of Prime Minister Harper’s imagination; any such claim is merely a device to shut down freedom of speech. Quite why the Canadian Prime Minister should wish to shut down freedom of speech, and for a cause to which he has no obvious endemic affinity, and on behalf of such a cause furthermore to court such ostracism in the highest councils of the world community, is of course a mystery explicable only to the Jews for Injustice Against Jews in their parallel universe of pathological moral inversion.

The rest of us look on aghast at the intimidation and racial bullying being directed against Jewish students on campus, for example, which was specifically referred to by Harper – in the US it’s producing this kind of thing, or this at Brandeis – but to which the JfIAJ are of course wholly oblivious because they are signed up to the culture that is producing it.

They also unleashed their venom against Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu during a speech in New Orleans a few days ago, when a bunch of them heckled him over building for Jewish households in East Jerusalem.

Netanyahu accused the protesters of joining those who believe ‘Israel is guilty until proven guilty’. ‘The greatest success of our detractors is when Jews start believing that themselves. We've seen that today,’ he told the assembly of Jewish Federations of North America.

... The hecklers were members of the Young Leadership Institute of Jewish Voice. Rae Abileah, a 28-year-old protester from San Francisco, shouted ‘the settlements betray Jewish values’.

On the contrary: Jewish values embody justice and truth. Along with the rest of the JfIAJ, people like Rae Abileah stand for injustice and lies – and one of the biggest lies is to egregiously misrepresent the Jewish values they presume to appropriate.

What makes these Jews for Injustice Against Jews such an appalling phenomenon is not that they ‘criticise’ Israel. That happens in spades every day within Israel itself. No, it’s that they flatly deny Jewish victimisation and find only malign intent in Israel’s every action. They thus turn Israel into some kind of cosmic evil, uniquely malign and thus deserving of a unique censure – which they certainly do not mete out to the tyrannies of the region or anywhere else. They effectively depict Israel as standing outside the bounds of humanity itself. And that is classic Jew-hatred.

More at the link.

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