Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Michael Moore Rehabilitated

But Naomi Wolf --- once one of the left's most vocal critics of the Bush administration, author of, among other things, a widely-cited 2007 article, "Fascist America, in 10 Easy Steps" (later released in book form) --- has been thrown under the bus by the feminist commissars of the progressive left.

Amanda Marcotte has it, "
Moore and Me: The Aftermath":


The Twitter hashtag #mooreandme decidedly and quickly changed tone last night after Michael Moore’s appearance on “Rachel Maddow”. Now it’s becoming an education and reconciliation kind of place, though troll smacking is still going on and Keith Olbermann can’t help but poking his head in. (I can relate.) I think we have all let go of any hope that Naomi Wolf will continue to be anything but a grade A asshole over this; I think she is still unaware how many people who, probably because they don’t know how far she drifted off the farm years ago, she has run off from liking her forever. Now it’s time to regroup and reassess. With links and comments.

Amanda links to an article she's published at Slate: "
The Perils of Charging Rape." Michael Moore, of course, is a much bigger progressive rock star than Naomi Wolf, but feminists were throwing Moore underneath as well. The chunky filmmaker came clean last night during the Rachel Maddow show trial, so the feminist grievance industry is rolling out the red carpet of rehabilitation. And it's important to understand that this is really personal, as Amanda notes:
Moore's change of position is particularly gratifying for the feminist protesters. And because of my personal history dealing with sexual violence, for me the fight against taking on faith badly sourced efforts to discredit Assange's accusers was more than an intellectual exercise. Many of the details in the fleshed-out accounts the women gave, as published in the New York Times and the Guardian, paralleled the rape I experienced in the spring of 1998, when I was a 20-year-old college junior.
It needs to be said again that rape allegations should be taken seriously, and it is never okay for a guy to disregard a woman's wishes or force himself upon her in any way --- no means no. It's the larger festishization of the cult of victimology that's fascinating here, and the drive to exterminate anyone who deviates from the accepted rape victims' narrative. John Hawkins nailed the hypocrisy the other day: "Liberals Progressives and Rape."

But there's more. When Michael Moore pleaded with Rachel Maddow for forgiveness, and suggested that society's gotten "a little better" at taking rape allegations seriously,
Sady Doyle would have none of it:

... no, Michael Moore: It is not that much better now. It is, indisputably, not that much better. Naomi Wolf went on TV and told every viewer there that it isn’t rape if the victim is unconscious, that penetrating an unconscious woman is “consensual”: It’s not that much better. Those two women’s names were outed, to over 900,000 people, by you and by Keith Olbermann, and attached to a derogatory smear by a Holocaust denier and WikiLeaks representative on little to no evidence, because you support WikiLeaks and treated those two women as expendable in so doing: It’s not that much better. I got a message from a woman that the pro-Assange group, pro-WikiLeaks group she’s allied with, is posting messages that these women are liars and Assange is innocent, on its Facebook group, and that she’s being attacked for standing up to them: It’s not that much better. I got forwarded a link to an actual product that is being sold, an e-card featuring a drawing of a traumatized-looking woman huddled in a shower, reading “Congratulations! You just got bad touched”: It’s not that much better. A woman who was part of the protest told me that a message reading, in part, that she was “a cum-guzzling super slut wannabe hasbian dyke that is angry with the world because no matter how many times she flashed her uneven nigger breasts no man would ever touch her” was posted to It is not that much better. A man told me he had to stop protesting, had to stop posting #MooreandMe, because the harassment had gotten too intense, and “they have my home address and have explicitly threatened me and my wife,” and then he was such a goddamned good person that he actually apologized: It’s not that much better. Many of my friends, people I know and have worked with and respect, have come forward to tell me that they, too, are survivors, the absolute epidemic of rape and sexual assault that we face in this society has become that much clearer to me, the list of women I know who are also rape survivors has become much, much longer since I posted it on Saturday: It is not, it is indisputably not, that much better.

But hey, RTWT.

At least he recanted!

And seriously. Michael Moore confessed that rape allegations should be taken seriously --- AND THAT WAS A DEATH DEFYING VICTORY FOR FEMINISM!

Thank God almighty we are free at last!

And there's more, from this lady who admits to using the f-word a lot: "Dear Second and Third Wave Feminists With Publicly Recognizable Names":

“No means no” gave a voice to the abused, the raped, the victimized. It created a phrase to describe a phenomenon that men and women knew existed, but were unable to describe in a way that society as a whole took seriously. But it did not end the war on our bodies. It did not end the terrorism that makes us second-guess our clothing, map out our return home, walk with chaperones. It did not end the lifelong aftershocks of guilt and shame, wondering why we let them in, why we trusted them, why we kissed them. It did not lower the statistics that mock our hope that we have justice, or equality. The enemy adapted. The enemy always has. If no means no, why, then, ways will be found to keep us from speaking. Ways will be found to make it seem as if we have said “yes,” or not said “no” enough, or in the right tone of voice, or with the proper inflection, or at the right time. No means no, but only if you are not afraid to say it. No means no, but only if you keep saying it, for a lifetime, hoping it will work before the situation escalates. No means no, but only if you never give up saying it because you are tired, you are hungry, you are frightened, you are alone, you are intimidated, you are convinced that this will happen anyway, and will only get worse for you the longer you go on saying “no.”

We need more than “no means no.”
Hey, Andrea Dworkin lives! And to think I'd nearly been disabused!

Okay, game-face here.
RTWT. We have lots more work to do!

And that's no joke. This is going to be Twit-o-lutionary. See, "
How #MooreandMe Worked."

I don't recall seeing a blog post like that, well, ever --- it's like a dissertation! These chicks are freakin' serious!

No wonder conservatives are coming out with posts like this: "
Rape: I'm Against It." It's hard out there for a dude!

PREVIOUSLY: "Michael Moore Repudiates 'Hooey' Rape Comments During Rachel Maddow Show Trial — BUMPED AND UPDATED!"

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