Monday, January 17, 2011

CNN Poll: Majority Says Palin's 'Crosshairs Map' Not to Blame in Arizona Shooting — 49 Percent Say 'Harsh Rhetoric' Not a Factor

A new CNN poll finds that Americans expect that a "shooting like the one is Arizona will happen again regardless of what action is taken by government and society" (66 percent). Also, a large majority (69 percent) says that their opinion on gun control has "not changed as a result of the shooting in Arizona." The suvey's full pdf form is here. And with the exception of Digby (who says it's depressing the massacre's going to waste), there's not one of the blame righty progressives commenting at Memeorandum.

Eric Allie Obama Crazies

RELATED: At The Hill, "Palin Defends 'Blood Libel' Description: 'That's Exactly What Was Going On'."

Added: My first inclination was to disregard the partisan numbers, since the left has been so thorougly repudiated by the facts, and instead discuss the majority and plurality findings. But William Jacobson goes with the focus on the astounding number of Democrats who endorse the blood libel smear: "56% of Democrats Believe Palin Map Myth."

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