Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Daniel Hernandez Speaks at Tucson Memorial --- UPDATED!!

Gabrielle Giffords' intern gave an excellent address, if not the best of the night. I'll have more commentary later. I was moved to tears at a couple of moments during the evening, when Gov. Brewer spoke so eloquently and when President Obama announced the Rep. Giffords had opened her eyes tonight for the first time since Saturday's massacre. But I think Mr. Hernandez's address will really stay with me as representing dignity and poise in the American tradition, and a maturity far beyond his years. He's a hero despite his best efforts to live down the honor:

Until later, see Michelle's live blog, "Branding the Tucson Massacre" (at Memeorandum).

Also, Lynn Sweet, "
'Gabby Opened Her Eyes For The First Time:' Obama At Tucson Memorial." Plus, at New York Times, "Obama’s Remarks in Tucson" (via Memeorandum). And, "Obama Calls for New Era of Civility in U.S. Politics," and "Facing Challenge, Obama Returns to Unity Theme."

UPDATE: YouTube took down the video, but here's another from an audience member:

Plus, FWIW, Olby interviews Hernandez:

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