Monday, January 17, 2011

The Imam Shuffle at Ground Zero Mosque

That's Jamie Glazov's term at about 2:40 minutes into the clip:

And Dr. Glazov mentions Pamela Geller as the authoritative source on developments at GZM. See, "Jamie Glazov on Fox and Friends: New Ground Zero Imam's Radical Ties to WTC Bombing Co-Conspirator." And especially, "AFDI/SIOA VICTORY: RAUF OUT! Ground Zero Mosquestrosity Names New Imam: Abdullah Adhami UPDATE: Daisy the Khan Out, too."

Also, I'm just seeing this right now, but I'm stoked since I'm all booked up for CPAC and will be on hand: "
World Premiere of AFDI/SIOA Groundbreaking Film at CPAC: The Ground Zero Mosque: The Second Wave of the 911 Attacks."

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