Saturday, January 15, 2011

James Eric Fuller, Tucson Shooting Survivor, Arrested for Making Death Threats at 'American Conversation' Town Hall for ABC News

Yeah. How's that for conversation? Pretty much the kind of conversation we've been having all week on the progressive left.

Nice Deb call it the "
irony of ironies."

But frankly, it's just more proof that the left's violent fantasies are driving their partisans to death threats and the politics of personal destruction. And it's sad too, since this guy simply needs to just take some time away for himself. Recover from the trauma. Man, that's a terrible experience to go through. Frankly, I was surprised to see him on Democracy Now!, although they're communists, so that explains how quickly events went down hill for him. See KGUN 9 Tucson, "Shooting Rampage Victim Arrested at ABC-TV Town Hall Meeting." And NYT, "Man Shot in Tucson Rampage Is Arrested at a TV Taping."
TUCSON — A victim of the shooting spree here that killed six people and wounded 13, including Representative Gabrielle Giffords, was arrested Saturday after he spoke threateningly at a televised forum intended to help this stricken city heal, the police and witnesses said.

The man, J. Eric Fuller, 63, a military veteran who supports Ms. Giffords, was “involuntarily committed for mental health evaluation,” said Jason Ogan, a spokesman for the Pima County sheriff’s office.

Mr. Fuller, who was shot in the left knee and back on Jan. 8, was among several victims, medical personnel and others who attended a special forum at St. Odilia Catholic Church hosted by Christiane Amanpour to be televised Sunday on ABC.

State Representative Terri Proud, a Republican, was sitting two rows behind Mr. Fuller. The topic of gun control came up in the forum, she said, and one of the speakers made a comment about a bill introduced recently in Arizona that would allow faculty members on college campuses with concealed weapons permits to carry guns.

Ms. Proud said she spoke up to clarify the bill’s language. Trent Humphries, the founder of the Tucson Tea Party, who was sitting one row behind her, rose to speak and suggested that discussion about gun legislation be postponed until after the funerals. He started to say that he had also been affected by the tragedy because a neighbor was a victim.

At that point, Ms. Proud said, Mr. Fuller blurted out to Mr. Humphries, “You’re dead.”

Mr. Fuller then began to “behave in a very odd manner,” she said. “He was making inappropriate comments.”

Ms. Proud said that after the forum ended, she went to one of the police officers providing security at the forum and asked him to file a report about Mr. Fuller’s remark to Mr. Humphries. The officer told her it was being investigated.

About five police officers surrounded Mr. Fuller and escorted him out. As he was leaving, Ms. Proud said, he turned and yelled, “You’re all whores!”
Actually, Fuller's not just a "Giffords supporter." He's a hardcore "Democratic activist," and progressives like Eric Boehlert have used his appearance on the communist Democracy Now! segment to taunt conservatives such as Michelle Malkin. Doc Zero has the details, and he adds:
Let me make this nice and clear for simple minds: getting shot does not confer either insight or sainthood, and neither does service in the military. I already know people like Bohlert understand the latter, since I don’t think you’ll see a “McCain-Palin” bumper sticker on his car. Every decent American should run like the wind from the creepy notion that certain people are completely above criticism, even when they question the very humanity of others.

Honorable military service is a strong point on any resume… but the military doesn’t stand for suppressing dissent through bloody slander. A lot of the people who think Eric Fuller’s military service make him impossible to disagree with usually have a much more… nuanced view of veterans, and their red-faced insistence on perfect virtue for their icons of the moment is very temporary. Ask Cindy Sheehan to read you the expiration date on her Absolute Moral Authority card.

Anyone who would go on the air to accuse Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Sharron Angle, or John Boehner of having anything to do with Jared Loughner’s actions is a disgrace. Nothing they did earlier in life changes that, and their deeds earlier in life are not erased by their current willingness to become part of the most disgusting political narrative of the new century. It’s all part of the concept of free will, which implies the ability to choose badly, and be held accountable for it… no matter who you are. Despite the urging of fringe characters like Bohlert, the mainstream media might back away from Fuller because he’s such an obvious nut. Then again, certain networks might be unable to resist the temptation to lean forward.
And Jeff Goldstein piles on:
Right-wing extremism caused this violent outburst of left-wing extremism.

I eagerly await the breathless reports from CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC that tells us how Sarah Palin’s “eliminationist rhetoric” led to the Loughner shooting, which led to the wounding that directly led to a death threat issued against a TEA Party leader by a member of the left, whose crime seems to be his connection with the violent eliminationist rhetoric the left is so bravely fighting against.

By, you know, issuing death threats.

These people are who we knew them to be. And it’s been great to watch them try to hang themselves. Now, if only the establishment GOP will stop rushing over to cut the rope.

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