Monday, January 17, 2011

New York Times Blames '1440/7 News Cycle' for Despicable Reporting on Tucson Massacre

Actually, it's Arthur Brisbane, the Times' public editor, but his essay's a reprehensibly base apologia, so it's a distinction without a difference. See, "Time, the Enemy" (via Memeorandum):
JIM ROBERTS, the assistant managing editor who has helped create today’s, likes to call it the 1440/7 news cycle — 1,440 minutes every day, seven days a week, each one of those minutes demanding news for delivery to a networked world.

Jonathan Tobin provides a thankfully honest response, "
Was It Time or Bias that Caused the Media to Slant the Story?":
Journalists never have enough time. But that’s no reason to take an event and shoehorn it into a fabricated story line that is based on the delegitimization of those who espouse political views that the Times opposes.

William Warran Tucson

Nate Beeler Partisan Blame

Eric Allie Senseless Violence

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