Tuesday, January 18, 2011

'Heated Rhetoric' Not to Blame in Arizona Shooting, Poll Finds

At the Washington Post (full survey here).


The poll does not break down by party. I'm still tripping on the 56 percent of Democrats in yesterday's CNN poll who blamed "heated right-wing rhetoric" for the attacks. It's 100 percent untrue, of course, and is thus a bigger statement on the ideological denial of reality that's the hallmark of radical progressive thinking in recent years.

John Hawkins has more on this, "
Understanding How The Left Thinks: It’s Not About What’s True, It’s About Who’s On Offense." And previously at Dr. Sanity, "Rage Against Reality All You Want":

Today's political left are the hands-down, gold medal winners in the Denial of Reality Sweepstakes. Watch them spin, lie, distort and finally resort to personal attacks on their critics without any debate on the facts--and learn all you need to know about their creatively dysfunctional coping.

Reality is coming for them. The spectacle would be interesting if only they did not intend to drag the rest of us along with them into the abyss.

They can rage against reality all they want. It won't change anything. But I imagine that getting all those intense feelings out will be sufficient for the children of the left, since that is the only 'reality' they care about or understand.

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