Friday, February 11, 2011

Ann Coulter at CPAC

I missed the Sarah Palin impersonator, but Ann Coulter looked stunning during an interview with Pajamas Television:

CPAC Day Two

Da Tech Guy has more, "Can someone explain to me why people swarmed the Sarah Palin impersonator ..."

Plus, The Other McCain updates, "CPAC Day 2: Into the Scrum" (more here). And Midnight Blue is retiring early for the night, "CPAC Experience: Flu Like Symptoms," and at No Runny Eggs, "CPAC random pics – Day 1."

And for real news, see Hot Air, "Romney supporters at CPAC pitching him as the anti-Palin." And Los Angeles Times, "Pawlenty, Romney bash Obama at CPAC":

On a seeming collision course toward the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney spoke to cheering crowds Friday at the second day of a gathering of the nation's conservatives, blasting President Obama for what they said was his failure to lead on national security and the economy.

While Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota, and Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, have not formally declared their intentions, their White House ambitions appear more evident every day.

Romney's wife, Ann, introducing him to the packed house at the Conservative Political Action Conference, came close to an admission, saying that she "hoped" to see her husband elected. And when Romney, who has been on a nationwide tour, said at one point "if I decide to run for president," some in the room chortled.

But neither Pawlenty nor Romney, nor any of the other featured speakers here Friday, which included possible 2012 contenders Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) and Republican Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, could compete with the rowdy reception given Rep. Ron Paul, the Texas libertarian.
More at the link.

It turns out that Ron Paul rent-a-bots have surged CPAC, apparently sent by the folks at Campaign for Liberty, and perhaps a few other isolationist-style "conservative" outfits.

And there's more: Dave Weigel updates on the gay marriage tussel, "CPAC 2011: Big Ol' Gay Party." He reports on Andrew Breitbart's private party at D.C.'s 18th Street Lounge. Apparently Breitbart's all for the GOP big tent, and he reverted to '80s-era alternative rock to cut loose the jams:

Depeche Mode was played; a fight nearly broke out between two people who were too drunk to explain what they were fighting about; some people were convinced that Dana Loesch, who was wearing leather pants, couldn't have possibly been Dana Loesch, because she was wearing leather pants.
Well, I met Dana Loesch yesterday. Her leather pants were real and fabulous.

Expect updates ...

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