Tuesday, February 15, 2011

CBS Reporter Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted During Egypt Protests — UPDATE! Debbie Schlussel Alleges Logan Had it Coming!!

At NYT, "CBS: Lara Logan Suffered ‘Brutal’ Attack in Cairo":

Lara Logan, the distinguished CBS News correspondent, was attacked and sexually assaulted by a mob in Cairo on Feb. 11, the day that the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was forced from power, the network news division said in a statement Tuesday.

After the mob surrounded her, Ms. Logan “suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers,” the network said.

Ms. Logan and a camera crew, along with an unknown number of security staff members, were covering the celebrations in Tahrir Square in central Cairo, where untold thousands of people had gathered. CBS said the group that enveloped Ms. Logan, “a dangerous element” within the larger crowd, numbered more than two hundred people “whipped into a frenzy.” She was separated from the crew and then attacked.

After being rescued, “she reconnected with the CBS team, returned to her hotel and returned to the United States on the first flight the next morning. She is currently in the hospital recovering,” the network said.
Also at Hot Air, "Horrendous: CBS reporter brutally sexually assaulted during Cairo protests."


UPDATE: This is beneath contempt, from Debbie Schlussel:
Hey, sounds like the threats I get from American Muslims on a regular basis. Now you know what it’s like, Lara.
There will be no further comment from CBS News and Correspondent Logan and her family respectfully request privacy at this time.
I just love it when the people of the profession of “the public’s right to know” suddenly want “privacy.” Tell it to your next interview subject, Lara. Of course CBS has no further comment. Wouldn’t wanna impugn the “peacefullness” of “Religion of Peace” animals, would we? Now, if they were Christians or Jews, well, then there would be comments galore.

So sad, too bad, Lara. No one told her to go there. She knew the risks. And she should have known what Islam is all about. Now she knows. Or so we’d hope. But in the case of the media vis-a-vis Islam, that’s a hope that’s generally unanswered.

This never happened to her or any other mainstream media reporter when Mubarak was allowed to treat his country of savages in the only way they can be controlled.

Now that’s all gone. How fitting that Lara Logan was “liberated” by Muslims in Liberation Square while she was gushing over the other part of the “liberation.”

Hope you’re enjoying the revolution, Lara! Alhamdilllullah [praise allah].
Look, it's a riveting story, but in cases like this, more information is usually forthcoming. I don't read Debbie Schlussel, in any case. She's widely reviled around the conservasphere, for issues I'm only vaguely familiar with. But even in the absence of more information on exactly what took place, it's just vile to attack Lara Logan for deserving it since she chose to cover the protests for CBS. No doubt Islam has its savages, and I'm hardly the biggest bleeding heart for Muslim rabble, but to take this further as a defense of Mubarak's police state is also pretty twisted.

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