Thursday, February 3, 2011

Civility Watch: Progressives Rally to Lynch Clarence Thomas

Christian Hartsock goes easy on these folks. God, it's a vigilante mob: "White Political Ralliers Call for Lynching of Black Justice (Sorry MSM, No Tea in this Blend)."

This is the "
Uncloaking the Kochs" protest last weekend in Palm Springs. Actually, I think the protesters are uncloaked. Better get those Klan sheets out of the trunk. Might even get a bit more mainstream media coverage out of it:

Ed Morrissey adds this:
Yes, these comments come from the attendees, not the speakers at the protest organized by Common Cause at the Koch political conference, but according to the media rules on covering the Tea Party, that makes all liberals racists, and also responsible for the murders committed by Kermit Gosnell in his abortion clinic in Philadelphia. Right?
Or, as Jeff Goldstein notes, "What’s say we string us up some Uncle Toms!"

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