Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Matthew Yglesias, Destroyed

This is too good, "Matt Yglesias: The One Man Mistake Factory . . . Or “I Laugh at the Inferior Intellect”" (via Cold Fury):
Genuinely smart people see through Yglesias, and recognize him as a blowhard. Add to his many defects as a pundit and a thinker his particularly fervent advocacy of dishonesty, and his resort to obscenities when challenged (more on this later), and you have a blogger thoroughly and completely out of his depth, and exposed as a fraud.
And I thought Diary of Daedalus was thorough in its destruction of Charles Johnson. Man, this is like a nuclear detonation.

That said, I'd pay good money to see the husky pony-tailed blogger don terrorist garb while idiotically wielding a meat-cleaver:

Matthew Yglesias

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