Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reactions to Lara Logan's Sexual Assault in Egypt

If the crime is rape, expect the most obscene responses to it, from both left and right. I frankly was horrified by the story, and needed more information. But that wasn't the case for many others. Jeffrey Goldberg offers this:
Nir Rosen, the far-left journalist who joked about the sexual assault on Lara Logan, has company: Debbie Schlussel, the extreme right-wing commentator. Rosen calls for the elimination of Israel, and is a pro-Hamas Hezbollah apologist; Schlussel is a racist anti-Muslim commentator. They come from radically different places on the political spectrum, and yet they share a common inhumanity.
And from Jim Geraghty, Rosen's been fired: "NYU Accepts Rosen’s Resignation." To which Ron Kampeas responds: "What about Debbie Schlussel?"

And despite the fact of Rosen's extreme left views,
Markos Moultisas tweets: "Nothing like rape to really bring out the worst in conservatism."

Anyway, my friend
Dave in Boca left a comment yesterday:
I am/was a State Dept FSO trained as an Arabist and lived in four Arab countries. I’ve visited Egypt several dozen times both as a USG diplomat and afterwards as a Political Risk Analyst for Amoco, the largest foreign corporation in Egypt. What happened to Lara is absolutely inexcusable, but the photo shows her heading into the crowd without a shawl or scarf, the bare minimum a woman must wear in order not to be considered a prostitute when she walks in the streets of Cairo. TV snaps of Christiane Amanpour show her wearing a shawl/scarf when she was in a public street situation. Americans are notoriously [indeed all Brit Empire Anglos seem to be] very disrespectful or ignorant of foreign customs, just as a matter of course. Strange as it may seem to us Americans, Lara may have been perceived by the animals who attacked her as disrespecting Egyptian customs, flaunting a feminist agenda, or even taunting them by wearing inappropriate [to their eyes] apparel in a public situation. That’s the way the minds of these medieval males work.
RELATED: From Howard Kurtz, "Lara Logan's Egypt Nightmare" (via Memeorandum).

And at The Other McCain, "Paging Jill Filopovic."

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