Saturday, February 12, 2011

VIDEO: Ann Coulter's Speech at CPAC

Here's the Chris Christie segment (via Freedom's Lighthouse):

Plus, Allahpundit has full video and commentary, "Coulter at CPAC: If we don’t run Chris Christie, Romney will be the nominee — and he’ll lose." And at The Hill, "Coulter: Nominate Christie, because Romney will lose":
Conservative pundit Ann Coulter warned activists Saturday that if the party nominates former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in 2012, President Obama will win reelection.

Asked in a Q&A session after a bombastic speech at CPAC what she thought of the 2012 field of hopefuls, Coulter initially hesitated, but went on to essentially deliver an endorsement of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

"If you don't run Chris Christie, Romney will be the nominee and we'll lose," said Coulter, eliciting cheers from the crowd.

"By the way," she added, "I warned you about McCain."

Coulter didn't mention any other rumored 2012 contender by name, but said most of them are "good in the positions they're in now."
More at the link (via Memeorandum).

I'll have some more
Coulter pics later.

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