Thursday, February 3, 2011

Watch This: Leftist Media to Push Meme of Obama as Wise Foreign Policy 'Realist'

It may have started already, but I'm just now seeing E.J. Dionne's really dishonest op-ed at WaPo, "A Conservative Split Aids Obama on Egypt."

What's interesting is that Dionne gets most of this wrong. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter is cited as standing for some large conservative groundswell in support of propping up Mubarak. Even Henry Kissinger was way beyond that possibility the other night, so it's mostly now about how to transition from Mubarak without causing an Egyptian bloodbath and/or a new Middle East war. Even the New York Times notes that the administration's making major adjustments in its foreign policy in light of events, and of course you won't read any quotes from Victor Davis Hanson at either Dionne's commentary or the Times' reporting. Where there's been really substantial debate is among the neoconservatives. And while Dionne's meme suggests Obama's getting a boost by an alleged "conservative split," the truth is more likely that the administration's been dragged along by events, with ad hoc adjustments made possible only after the cold splash of reality snapped the White House out of its stupor.

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