Sunday, May 22, 2011

The 12-Step Plan to Make Amanda Marcotte's Head Explode

And other feminists too, of course.

From Gavin McInnes, at Taki's (via FFOF). The whole thing's riot, for example, "Step 10" to restore femininity:

As Steve Sailer has made very clear, the traits we find attractive in the opposite sex are based on exaggerating our differences. Men can’t grow hair as long as women can, so prove you’re a woman and let it grow to the floor. American women seem to think that once they give birth, they have to visit Rachel Maddow’s barber for the rest of their life. This is tantamount to rape, because when we have sex with you from behind, we look down and see this weird smirking Boy Scout getting drilled. Thanks for that.
Interestingly, Amanda's Saturday post is inspired by Sadly No!, although it's anybody's guess whether the essentials of McInnes' 12-step plan would bear the slightest bit of interest to Carl "Young & Hung" Salonen, ringleader of the Sadly comment threads. (Yo, that's comedy!)

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