Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Geert Wilders' Canadian Tour!

Blazing Cat Fur might be posting some video later.

In the meanwhile, see Sun News, "Keep Islamic ideology out of Canada":
TORONTO - Canada should ban Islamic schools, outlaw the wearing of burkas and put a stop to the building of mosques, a controversial Dutch politician said on Monday during a stop at SUN News Network.

If Canada wants to protect its democratic freedoms and Western beliefs, it must act now and keep "Islamic ideology" outside of Canada's borders, said Geert Wilders, leader of Holland's Freedom Party, during an interview on The Source with Ezra Lavant.

"If (Muslims) want to have Islamic culture, (they should) stay in the country where (they) came from," said Wilders, who is doing his first-ever speaking tour of Canada. "There is no moderate Islam... There is no good part of the Qur'an."

Wilders has also called for the ban of the Qur'an - Islam's holy book - in Holland and other democratic countries, likening it to Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.

In Toronto to speak at Canada Christian College Monday night, Wilders called Islam an "ideology of hate" and said there is only one kind of Islam - a radical one.

Throughout the interview, Wilders kept coming back to one of his core beliefs: Islam is not a religion, it's an ideology of "totalitarian" philosophy, intolerant of any other religion or viewpoint.
RELATED: At National Post, "Islam a threat to Western freedom: Wilders." And from Jonathan Kay, "Geert Wilders’ problem with Islam."

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