Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Newt Gingrich Apologizes

To Paul Ryan, for his amateurish attack on the House Budget Chairman's Medicare reform plan. At Politico (via Memorandum):

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich apologized in a telephone call to House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Tuesday afternoon for his remarks on “Meet the Press,” where the presidential candidate referred to Ryan’s Medicare proposal as “radical change.”

“Newt apologized,” said Rick Tyler, his press secretary and longtime aide. “The call went very well.”

Gingrich, his nascent campaign in jeopardy, has shifted into fervent damage control following a furious conservative reaction to his comments — and is even expressing a rare bit of contrition.
More at that link above.

Frankly, Newt's presidential star is setting before it even came up. See also, "Newt Gingrich owed six figures to Tiffany's." Lots more at Memeorandum. Pathetic.

Added (with video): At Nice Deb, "Newt Gingrich Is Done."

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