Friday, May 20, 2011

Progressive Blue Texan's Instaputz Slurs Israel 'Über Alles'

Associated with the Nazis, the first stanza of Germany's official national anthem included "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles" (Germany, Germany above all). And thus Blue Texan slurs Israel as a Nazi state, quite common, of course, on the anti-colonial, neo-communist left (see Norman Finklestein, for example, "THE GRANDCHILDREN OF HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS FROM WORLD WAR II ARE DOING TO THE PALESTINIANS EXACTLY WHAT WAS DONE TO THEM BY NAZI GERMANY…").

Despicable, but not surprising at all. It's in fact progressives who're today's exterminationists and totalitarians:


Blue Texan alleges that "These people are nuts," and following the link takes us to The Hill, "Obama 'disrespected' Israel, threw it 'under the bus,' says Romney." (Also at Memeorandum.)

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